About Us

The Silver Maple Care Story

Our Vision

At Silver Maple Care, we envision a community where social equity, accessibility, and inclusivity are at the forefront. In this community, the rights, belonging, contributions, potential, and diverse experiences of every individual with disabilities are not just acknowledged, but celebrated with the utmost pride and respect.

We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone is valued for who they are and where each person's unique strengths are recognised and honoured. At Silver Maple Care, inclusivity is not just a goal - it’s the heart of everything we do.

Our Purpose

Our goal is to be a leading provider of compassionate and comprehensive care for individuals with disabilities.

We are dedicated to making our vision a reality by actively fostering a community that is just, accessible, and inclusive for all.

Within our care, we celebrate and honour the rights, sense of belonging, contributions, potential, and diverse experiences of every person with a disability, taking pride in our commitment to their well-being and quality of life.

Our Values

Respect and Rights

At Silver Maple Care, we firmly believe that individuals with disabilities, regardless of age, gender, cultural background, or the nature of their disability:

  • Have an undeniable right to life and bodily integrity.
  • Deserve a dignified standard of living and the opportunity to lead fulfilling and active lives.
  • Are people first, with inherent human, legal, and service user rights that must be recognised and upheld.
  • Should live free from prejudice, discrimination, and vilification.

Inclusion and Autonomy

At Silver Maple Care, we acknowledge that individuals with disabilities:

  • Make valuable contributions to the intellectual, cultural, economic, and social diversity of our community.
  • Possess a wealth of skills and abilities, with vast potential for lifelong growth and development.
  • Have the right to actively participate in shaping the policies and programs that impact their lives.
  • Are entitled to make their own life choices, with access to any decision-making support they may require.

Individualised Support

At Silver Maple Care, we believe that individuals with disabilities:

  • Deserve personalised services and supports tailored to their unique needs and preferences.
  • Must be empowered to exercise their rights and responsibilities confidently, without fear of retribution.

Our Principles

Courage and Conviction

We are committed to passionately advocating for the rights and interests of individuals with disabilities.

Equity and Belonging

We are committed to being accessible, responsive, and inclusive, while deeply valuing the diversity within our community.

Engagement and Advocacy

We are dedicated to actively involving individuals with disabilities in our organisational governance, policy development, and program planning.

Communication Preferences

We recognize and support diverse communication methods, ensuring that every voice is heard and understood.